Musical and sensory concert in Reggio style
Musical and sensory concert in Reggio style 🌱 (for families with children from 1 to 4 years old)
Children learn and develop most naturally when they move, touch, listen, look at…
At our musical Reggio concert, we tried to create all the conditions for children's natural desire to explore!
For an entire hour, children will harmoniously explore the world of music, creativity and learn new things through interaction with materials!
We focused on natural materials, because they are more natural, environmentally friendly and understandable to children. We chose stones, cones, sticks, leaves, sand and clay for the study, because these are often easily accessible to children, and you can continue this experience in everyday life, for example, on a walk🍃
Neoclassical music performed by a wonderful pianist will support this harmony, creating a magical atmosphere of peace and balance for children and adults ✨
We are waiting for you and your little ones👇🏼
09/14 at 9:30
Gan Sipur Park (Holon)
Cost 170₪ (parents and child)
Pre-registration is required
📱 0535668594
0535668594 | | |